🐯even if we argue/fight we’ll become even closer so now.......
— 찜라⁷ (@mandakkoo) April 23, 2020
now we dont fight anymore...
just....the way tae /smiled/ when he said that...... pic.twitter.com/ltGWem3C9Y
🐯 My version of the dumpling incident. It’s quite simple. Oh am I too close? Should I go a little farther away? My version is: I wanted to eat mandus. Jiminie wanted to eat after [practice] ended. That’s it. I really wanted to eat mandu. +https://t.co/77aUg6QFR1
— bora⁷ (@modooborahae) April 23, 2020
🐯: i can't believe i fought with an angel like jimin
— haley⁷ (@vmination) April 23, 2020
So I wanted to eat steamed dumplings so I asked the manager to buy some so we bought dumplings on the way to dance practice and I ate one right before the dance practice. As someone who tasted the dumpling, I wanted to keep eating. Jimin wanted to eat after and we argued a LOT.
— bora⁷ (@modooborahae) April 23, 2020
And they became closer through such fights. However, V says they don't have any reason to fight anymore. At this point, the members understand each other's characteristics so well that they can tell what they're feeling just by looking at each other's eyes. +
— wisha⁷ (@doyou_bangtan) April 23, 2020
JM & V spoke about the tiff afterwards over a drink. V was most thankful to JM for saying "I want to be a strength to you". And V felt the "arrows of emotions" at that moment, wondering to himself how he could have dared to fight "with this angel Jimin!" +
— wisha⁷ (@doyou_bangtan) April 23, 2020
you guys :( taehyung was stressed doing concerts and filming hwarang, and jimin said he wanted to be his source of strength and taehyung thought he was an angel, and then taehyung bought jimin that 1.1k gucci sweater with his own money back when they hadn't started earning a lot
— 💫 (@vmxn__) April 23, 2020
and taehyung had been so touched by jimin saying he'd wanted to be his source of strength that he still remembers it and thinks about it, that he went and wrote that heartfelt letter in hawaii and cried while reading it aloud :(
— 💫 (@vmxn__) April 23, 2020
jimin just wanted to be there for him & even ended up getting jealous of the hwarang hyungs but even years later, taehyung said, 'jimin is my one and only true best friend' & then jimin said taehyung will most likely be his only unique friend like this for the rest of his life
— 💫 (@vmxn__) April 23, 2020
when jimin said he was so upset about taehyung saying ily to the hwarang hyungs, maybe he was just upset because he had just told taehyung he wants to be his strength and wants to be there with him but here was taehyung saying ily to his wooga squad and jimin didn't realise
— 💫 (@vmxn__) April 23, 2020