Credit: vmmarry95z

no—-like—-why—jimin just suddenly went ‘taehyung-ah’ then goes to hug him then not one second later goes gaypanic and then went to proceed to hug jk too like——im a whole namjoon and jk’s confused Mood there— pic.twitter.com/y15WZLadvZ— 찜라 (@mandakkoo) 26. August 2018
평친해 구오즈 pic.twitter.com/8rt7O3ynEW— F맨 커리 (@jimin_right) 26. August 2018
they—-huddled like that—and then fistbumped—-and tae the one that offered the move first—-do u hear the sound of my sanity’s breaking pic.twitter.com/dgdjdNyMfE— 찜라 (@mandakkoo) 26. August 2018
If @/BH won't give it to us, this is the closest VMIN a unit song or perf we thirsty vmin stans will ever get. 😥 pic.twitter.com/eiydtlXje2— 🌙Vmin in a Love Maze🌏 (@VminInlove) 26. August 2018
so bangtan did a group hug first then jimin decided to called taehyung to hug him in solo UHHM OKAY VMIN???? OKAY i'm good *sobs* pic.twitter.com/0Vj1hc0I7r— vmin [s-h] 📌 (@vmindaily) 26. August 2018
너네는 코H남수 없찌???????? 우리는 있따??????????? pic.twitter.com/sz11VqE8e8— 라라 (@vorahae_95) 26. August 2018
180826 구오즈@BTS_twt pic.twitter.com/21TcQJ7rp3— 심퍼티쿠시 (@Szimpatikus_kr) 26. August 2018
— 랠리 (@Rallytriangle) 26. August 2018
another view another suffer but please sign me up pic.twitter.com/igcOJlAtB7— VMIN ; d-11 to riri's bday💫 (@95ddaaeng) 27. August 2018
청춘영화잖아요 😭— 뷔민봇 (@vxmin_love) 26. August 2018
cr.Szimpatikus_kr pic.twitter.com/7ZZhgIYmzZ